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Dyukinsky Wildlife Reserve, Sudogda district

Dyukinsky Quarries

This picturesque setting surrounded by pine woods attracts nature lovers and rock climbers.

Far back in the past this place was a sea bottom. When the water subsided, dolomites formed with time which were then extensively mined in the 20th century. More than 30 years ago the quarry was abandoned. Today, it is one of the absolute favourite corners for the population and guests of the region. The viewing platform offers a magnificent panoramic view of the Vladimir Hills.

The quarry occupies an area of over 107 ha and its average depth equals to 30–40 meters.

In 2003, the quarry was awarded the status of the Dyukinsky National Integrated Nature Reserve.

Tours to the Dyukinsky Quarries are conducted from spring to autumn.
To order a tour call 8 (904) 590-36-12
26 апреля 2024
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