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Kameshkovo is located in the area formerly called the Kameshki wasteland that used to be part of the patrimony with the centre in the village of Gorki in Kovrov district in the 19th century. The patrimony was owned by the Derbenevs, manufacturers from Ivanovo-Voznesensk, who founded Nikanor Derbenev's Sons Manufactory Association in 1877.

1892 year


The city is located 49 km from Vladimir and 260 km from Moscow.


In 1892, the Derbenev factory owners built their textile factory in the wasteland of Kameshki and a village for workers adjacent to it. The enterprise's workforce consisted of people from the nearby villages.

Production was growing every year. Spinning production was started, and weaving production was significantly expanded. By 1910, the factory had become a large enterprise, employing more than 4,000 people.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the village of Kameshkovo (formerly, Avdotino, until the 1920s) arose at the weaving factory. The work settlement of Kameshkovo received the status of a district-level city on 12 July 1951 under the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.
In the early 1960s, a project for the planning and development of Kameshkovo was designed to determine further development of industry, housing construction, and land improvement in the city.

Until the 1970s, the main specialisation of Kameshkovo was textile industry with enterprises in other industries to be set up later. A branch of the Moscow Experimental Mechanical Plant was opened to manufacture components and assemblies for laying pipelines. A little later, an asphalt concrete plant and a number of other enterprises were built.

In 1997, the charter of the city as the administrative and cultural centre of the Kameshki district was adopted. Currently, Kameshkovo has the status of a municipal settlement.


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